A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Be a Better Ally!

This week I've been thinking about appropriate ways to honor Juneteenth, the holiday that celebrates the end of slavery in the USA. It's also the fiftieth anniversary of Title IX legislation that prohibits discrimination based on gender in all programs or activities at federally funded schools.

For me, it's urgent to recognize the advantages I am afforded as a white male leader, power and privileges that are less familiar and accessible to many women and leaders of color. It's also essential to continue to listen, learn, and deepen awareness of ways I can be a better ally and advocate for women and diverse leaders.

While we are making notable progress respecting diversity, assuring equity, and striving for greater inclusion, there is so much more work to do, together. Toward that end, here's a short HBR article with practical suggestions both for men and women to become better allies!

~ bc 🏄‍♂️ (he/him/his)


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