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A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Great Leaders Ask Good Questions

5 Good Questions for Design Thinking

Great leaders ask good questions.

Influenced by fundamentals of “design thinking,” here are five questions to help you breakthrough to the next levels of performance.

What’s your why?  Managers tend to focus on what needs to be done while leaders emphasize why something is worth doing. When we understand why something is worth doing, we are more motivated to do it.

What if?  Leaders who explore possibilities are more likely to achieve breakthroughs than managers who dwell on obstacles and limitations.  Considering “what if” is a more powerful and creative mindset than dwelling on reasons “we can’t” do something.

What wows?  Although incremental improvement is good, leaders earn big rewards when they design and deliver services that exceed customers’ expectations. What wows you? What could you do to wow others?

How might we?  Intentions without action are unkept promises. Once we choose a destination, we must begin charting the course we will sail. What options are you considering for action? How will you proceed to achieve your goal?

What would have to be true for us to?  Different market conditions reward different strategies. Does your strategy favor your skills, resources, and capabilities? Are you ready to adjust or pivot if the market turns unfavorable for the strategy you have chosen?

~ bc

Building with Mass Timber | DPR

Mass Timber is gaining ground as an alternative building material. It is engineered for high strength and can be prefabricated as a "kit of parts" for cost savings, accelerated installation, and energy efficiency.

Sun Tzu: 4 battle principles for business leaders | Big Think

The greatest victories are those that require no battle! Strategy advisor Roger Martin explains how 2,000 year old military thinking is useful in modern business strategy. 

A Short Guide to Living More Pointlessly | Atelier

The digital platforms we rely on for connection and self-improvement are invariably built on point systems. Do we really want to live life by playing a game?

The Differences Between Falling in Love, Being in Love, and Loving Someone | Well + Good

As we celebrate Valentine's Day this week, here's some insight to help you consider whether your love will last!

Here's more reading that's influencing my coaching:

* How generative AI will supercharge productivity | Fast Company
* Navigating Volatile Markets and Economic Forces | Freshfields 2023 Letter to Boards
* Hangry: A Startup Journey | Mike Evans, Founder of Grubhub, via AMAZON
* The Engineering of Structures Around Us | EdX
* Advice from your 90-year old self | I'm Walking Here

I coach leaders and teams who do big things!

Let's GO!  🚀


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