A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Let's Build for a Bright Tomorrow

Art by Yo Hosoyamada, yo-hoso.com

In a world that encourages near-term results, we tend to discount our leadership responsibility for a healthy, sustainable future.

Let’s recognize and prioritize big projects that make an enduring difference.

Design, engineer, and build things today that our children and their children will be thankful for!

~ bc

[art by Yo Hosoyamada]

They used to call me "sir" | Building Magazine interview with Sarah Prichard

Heads or tails? If the coin landed the other way, Sarah Prichard, managing director of Buro Happold business in China, Hong Kong, and the UK might not have become an engineer!

A New Kind of Energy Utility in Massachusetts | WCVB Boston

Heat pumps are cool. This network of geothermal pumps will change how neighbors stay warm and keep cool.

Shot-putter runs hurdles to save team from DQ | ESPN

Although she finished nineteen seconds behind the winner, Belgium shot put champion Jolien Boumkwo stepped up for her team by running the 100-meter hurdles at the European Championships.

What advice would Mark Cuban give his younger self? | Inc.

"I wish somebody had told me to be nicer. I was always go go go, ready fire aim, faster faster!" Be nice - almost always good advice!

Great Pics and Fun Facts about Hummingbirds | EarthSky

Don't be fooled by their tiny size and beauty, these amazing birds can fly backwards and will battle to protect their extraordinary nests.

Here's more media influencing my coaching:

I coach leaders and teams who do amazing things.

Let's GO!


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