A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Career - Time to Move On?

How do you know when it’s time to move on to a new role or different company?

That’s one of the most important questions leaders I coach ask.

Here are ten signs it may be time!

  • It is becoming harder to get up and go to work every day with positive energy
  • You are doing the same work today that you were doing twelve months ago
  • You are spending too much time fixing today's problems and too little time designing tomorrow’s solutions
  • Your family and friends are concerned about your health, stress, and job satisfaction
  • Your company is struggling to retain key clients and win new work
  • Your boss takes your loyalty, production, and performance for granted
  • Your boss assigns the most interesting new work and high-profile projects to other people
  • Your compensation is falling behind market rates; your equity is becoming significantly diluted; or, you are missing big bonuses due to poor company-wide performance
  • Two or more colleagues you respect have left your firm and are prospering happily in their new companies
  • Your skills and experience should be positioning you for bigger career opportunities but you feel boxed-in by the culture, leadership, and performance of your current business

Is it time to move on to a new role or different company?

Although recognizing it’s time to go is a big step toward new experiences, make sure odds are good that you are moving toward a better place!

The grass is rarely greener on the other side of the fence ; )


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