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A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Connect with Positive People!

Positive Words on Post-It Notes to Inspire You!

People in our life, workplace, and network influence how we think, feel, and act.

Connect and collaborate with supportive, uplifting people.

Recognize people who appreciate your strengths and encourage your well-being and growth.

Trust people who offer honest feedback and provide unconditional support when you experience adversity and setbacks.

Align and collaborate with people who share your beliefs, vision, and ambition.

Think big. Do amazing things together! 🥇

How to Support Los Angeles Wildfires Relief and Recovery| NBC News

The scale of wildfire destruction in Los Angeles is devastating. The skill and courage of firefighters, emergency responders, and our community is inspirational. Many are experiencing severe hardship. Here's how you can help!

What Does It Mean to Have Someone’s Back? | Admired Leadership Field Notes

What began as a commitment among soldiers in combat now means pledging support in any relationship. Who do you trust to do great things? Do your mates have your back?

What makes a strategy great? | A Smart Bear

Most "strategies" are wishful thinking. Here's candid guidance to help you craft a clear, competitive, winning strategy!

This "two-day rule" will help you be healthier and more effective | Big Think

We all want to establish good habits and break bad ones. Here's a practical hack to build healthier, more effective habits.

Take the stairs - stepping up makes a big difference! | Yahoo!Life

If you don't have time to hit the gym, a few minutes carrying groceries or walking can have big benefits.

Here are books, media, and music influencing my coaching:

I coach leaders and teams who do big things.

Let's GO! 🚀


Subscribe to Brian's newsletter. Published biweekly on Fridays. Free!
