A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Give Thanks!

No one succeeds at anything significant without encouragement and assistance from others.

At this time of Thanksgiving, let’s recognize and appreciate people who believe in and encourage us to be healthy, happy, and successful!

Thank YOU! 🤟

Frank Borman, Apollo 8 Commander | Space.com

Frank Borman led the first human spaceflight to the Moon in 1968. The Apollo 8 crew, Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders were the first humans to witness and photograph an Earthrise. Peace be with you, Commander.

Keys to Sharpen Your Game and Unlock Potential | Adam Grant & Big Think

Yes, you may be good today, AND you can be better tomorrow!  Beyond cheerleading and criticism, here are practical ways to coach leaders to step up to the next levels!

Shark Tank Tips from Kevin O'Leary | Moneywise

Slow roll that Starbucks fix. Save and invest every month. Don’t buy crap, just buy good stuff, and buy less of it!

12 Best Restaurants in Santa Fe | Condé Nast 

Santa Fe is truly “The City Different." I am glad to live in New Mexico and encourage you to visit. For many leaders I coach, it's a trip of a lifetime! 

Here's more media influencing my coaching:

I coach leaders and teams who do amazing things.

Let's GO! 🚀


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