A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Good Vibes - Mindset Matters!

Dwelling on bad news does not enable effective leadership, teamwork, or problem-solving. The sun still shines on stormy days.

Let's remember how far we have traveled together and trust our strengths, skills, and teammates to create new solutions and make things better.

Be kind. Be smart. Spread good vibes.

Our positive mindset and can-do commitment to problem-solving make a big leadership difference! 😎

Common Sense Advice from Charlie Munger | Inc.

Warren Buffett's partner and vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, "Charlie" Munger was an extraordinary businessman, investor, and philanthropist. His quotes and advice are a delightful combination of common sense, investing insight, and tough love. Here are some of the best!

Desalination system could produce freshwater that is cheaper than tap water | MIT News

A new solar desalination system takes in saltwater and heats it with natural sunlight. The system flushes out accumulated salt and produces drinking water that is cheaper than tap water.

How to Prepare for an Upturn | NFX

One day markets will become more stable. Leaders who shift their mindset early and prepare for the upturn will leap ahead. Yes, good defense is required. And, you must plan, compete, and score to win!

Research confirms little actions boost joy and well-being | NPR

New research confirms small acts of kindness and gratitude make a big difference. Early data results are promising. And it's not too late to join the study!

Perspective Matters | via Axios

Here's more media influencing my coaching:

I coach leaders and teams who do amazing things.

Let's GO! 🚀


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