A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays

When we pause to celebrate the holidays and step away for a moment from the noise and rush of business, there is more peace on earth.

Here’s wishing you a healthy, happy holiday. Let there be peace on earth - and, let it begin with you and me!

~ bc 🎅☮️

10 Amazing Images of Earth from Space | Gizmodo

Photos of our planet from orbit are cool, but the farther you get from Earth, the more incredible they become.

31 Questions To Jump Start a New You! | Thought Catalogue

If you’re itching for something new or different, here are some great questions to jump start your thinking, exploration, and practice!

More reading that's influencing my coaching:

Lots of upside ahead. Let's GO!


Subscribe to Brian's newsletter. Published biweekly on Fridays. Free!
