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A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


All that Jazz!

The US Independence Day holiday got me listening and thinking about jazz - a distinctly American art form deeply rooted in our national history and a color-blind force that connects people worldwide who share a curiosity and appreciation for improvisational music.

For jazz enthusiasts, 1959 was a landmark year that marked release of two of the best-selling jazz tracks in history, Dave Brubeck's "Take Five" and Miles Davis's "So What."  Back then, as now, the world wobbled on an uncertain brink before steadying itself for a somewhat peaceful, and prosperous thirty year run.

For leaders and teams I coach, jazz is a useful reference for learning how to get "in sync" and know when to "solo" or "comp" as a project mobilizes, explores possibilities, solves problems, and advances to completion.

Here are several links to explore, enjoy, or appreciate American jazz:

* What is Jazz?
* Seven US Cities to Discover and Enjoy Jazz
* The Mix: 100 Best Jazz Tracks 
* Birdland - Weather Report! 

~ bc 🎹


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