A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Location matters - Show up where you can win!

Treasure Map

Where you live, work, and play matter.

Some places are better suited than others for your skills, interests, and ambition.

If you want to do different things - explore new places and meet different people who share your intentions.

Location matters. Show up where you can play and win! 🧭

Responding Thoughtfully In the Internet Age | TIME

Know the difference between responding and reacting. Reclaim the space between stimulus and response. Just pause for a moment!

To Keep Gen Z, Companies Need to Level Up | Wired

The old playbook for power and control won’t work to retain Gen Z talent. Instead, employers need to take a cue from Roblox.

6 Questions to Ask at the Midpoint of Your Career | HBR

We know you are good or great at what you're doing. What's working? What's not? What's next that matters most? 😉

A Visual Guide to 13 Extremely Handy Knife Cuts | Epicurious

Chop, mince, and dice your way around the kitchen with confidence!👨🏼‍🍳

Here are books and music influencing my coaching:

I coach leaders and teams who do amazing things.

Let's GO! 🚀


Subscribe to Brian's newsletter. Published biweekly on Fridays. Free!
