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A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.



Peace begins with you and me.

Pax. Paix. Heiwa. Zhi-bde. Pace. Fridn. Sith. Paz. Pokoj. Mir. Síocháin. Kedamalan. Darnai. Tsumukikiatu. Sipala. Hozo. Salam. Shalom. Heping. Santipap. Pyongghawa. Maluhia. Irini. Santi. 

Peace! ☮️

The Unseen Gift | Korn Ferry

Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison encourages leaders to highlight positive things others may overlook. Sometimes we do not recognize a gift and leave it unopened!

Thank you, Norman Lear, Sitcom Genius and Citizen Activist | Hollywood Reporter

Beyond "All in the Family," "The Jeffersons," "Maude," and "Mary Hartman," the six-time Emmy winner was an extraordinary leader, friend, and citizen. Thank you, Norman Lear!

Amazon Logistics: Robots, pickers, sorters — and Holiday packages, packages, packages | Axios

On Black Friday, Amazon customers ordered more than 1,000 items per second. Here's an inside look at Amazon's mind-boggling New Jersey logistics operation.

Earth Wind & Fire: How Maurice White expressed joy and positivity | BBC

 A look at the life and career of Earth Wind & Fire's Maurice White. Blending jazz, Latin and soul with an infectious rhythmic pulse, Earth Wind & Fire sold more than 90 million albums around the world.

My Favorite Books of 2023 | I receive a small commission from Amazon when you buy a book using links on this page. Thank you!

Here's some music influencing my coaching:

I coach leaders and teams who do amazing things.

Let's GO!  🚀 


Subscribe to Brian's newsletter. Published biweekly on Fridays. Free!
