A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Lead + Play by Heart!

Piano keyboard and sheet music

When I was a child learning to play piano, my teacher insisted I had not mastered a lesson until I could play the music “by heart.”

To test my level of mastery each week, he expected me to play at least one piece without looking at sheet music.

Although it’s been many years since I regularly played piano, I am surprised I can still recall and play music I once learned by heart.

Great leaders and musicians know it's not enough to know the right notes to play. They learn, lead, and play well with great heart!

~ bc  🎹

What would Larry do? | NPR

Larry the Cat, the United Kingdom's Chief Mouser, celebrates 12 years of dutiful service at No 10 Downing Street.  Mr. Prime Minister, what would Larry do?

How leaders make decisions when safety or survival are at-risk | INC

It's not easy to think about these things. They're not pleasant. But if you prepare to lead when safety or survival are at-risk, you'll be much better prepared if the time ever comes. And the people you're leading will be grateful you did!

When to consult your intuition | MIT Sloan

Sometimes logic drives decisions, other times intuition is more compelling than logic. Here's some insight on situations when it's best to trust your intuition or count on logic.

That's what friends are for! | YouTube

Thank you, Burt Bachrach. "Keep smilin', keep shinin'. Knowing you can always count on me for sure. That's what friends are for!"

 Here's more reading that's influencing my coaching:

Stand up. Speak out. If not now, when?

Let's GO!  🌍


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