A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Play a Game You Can Win!

Strategy | Play A Game You Can Win!

What can you do that would be difficult if not impossible for anyone else?

In a world where it is easy to copy others, recognizing and focusing on your unique talent is the surest strategy I know to advance your business and career.

Here are four hallmarks of successful business leaders I coach who know their strengths and use them for  strategic advantage.

 Differentiation. Outworking others is not a sustainable advantage. Study your competition. Know what makes you distinctive. Acknowledge your weaknesses. Sharpen and exploit your competitive edge. Trust your unique skills and capabilities.

Relationships. All people matter yet some people matter more for your business and career. Prioritize work with people who value your skills and services. Strengthen your relationships with key partners and preferred customers.

Location. Where you live and work is one of your biggest choices. Choose to compete in places that favor your talent. Invest where you have an advantage. Beware of places with a formidable opponent or a crowded field of competitors.

Execution. Great strategy is worthless without reliable execution. Know and continually improve your capabilities. Deliver what you promise. Sell what you can repeatedly deliver.

Play a game you can win! 


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