A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Make Time for What Matters Most

What would we think matters most to you if all we knew was how you spend your time?

For better and worse, how we use our time is a reliable predictor of our experience and performance.

Here are four keys to help you manage your schedule and prioritize time, relationships, and leadership activities.

People. It’s sometimes said we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Choose your friends, colleagues, clients, and investors wisely. Minimize time with people who tax your energy or dim your spirit. Develop business and relationships with people who appreciate your talent and encourage you to be the best you can be.

Activities. We all have time commitments beyond our control and discretionary time to spend as we choose. Be sure to distinguish meetings and activities that truly require your participation from those you choose to join. Be purposeful prioritizing and investing your discretionary time in activities that you find interesting, enjoyable and rewarding.

Habits. We are what we repeatedly do. Look honestly at your daily habits. Keep habits that enable you to be your best. Recognize and break old habits that erode your strength, confidence, and well-being. Adopt and develop new habits that enable you to pursue new interests and opportunities.

Health. Good health is essential for earning and enjoying wealth. Good health is both a blessing and a daily practice. As busy as they are, the most successful senior executives I know make time each day for physical exercise. For me, it is essential to walk at least 7,000 steps outdoors every day or ride a bicycle for at least thirty minutes. 

You’ve got all the time you will ever have.

Make time for what matters most.

Put first things first!

~ bc 


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