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A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.


Treasure Hunting. Fail fast, learn quick.

Treasure Chest

You must dig in the right place to find treasure.

If you think you may be digging in the wrong place, it’s time to pause and evaluate your plan and performance.

Make small bets. Test your assumptions.

Note your achievements. Own your setbacks.

Fail fast. Learn quick. Try again! πŸ› οΈ

Why You Should Find a "Third Place" | Admired Leadership

Beyond going to work and being at home, it's wise to find a "Third Place" like the TV show Cheers "where everbody knows your name and they're always glad you came!"

AI forces doctors to reconsider the nature of diagnosis  | Stat+

Like the stethoscope and the X-ray, this new technology challenges the core of medical practice and patient care.

3 tips for helping a friend in a rough patch | Big Think

Who calls you when they are having a bad day? Listen, set boundaries, and point them where to go.

Use the ‘$1 Rule’ Before Making an Impulsive Purchase | Lifehacker

The $1 rule is a straightforward calculation that helps you determine whether a purchase is worth the investment. 

An Accurate Organizational Chart of Your University | McSweeney's

Updated every thirty years - if you don’t find yourself represented, be assured the exclusion was intentional.πŸ˜‰

Here are books, media, and music influencing my coaching:

I coach leaders and teams who do big things.

Let's GO! πŸš€


Subscribe to Brian's newsletter. Published biweekly on Fridays. Free!
