A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Connect with Positive People!

People in our life, workplace, and network influence how we think, feel, and act.

Connect and collaborate with supportive, uplifting people.

Recognize people who appreciate your strengths and encourage your well-being and growth.

Trust people who offer honest feedback and provide unconditional support when you experience adversity and setbacks.

Align and collaborate with people who share your beliefs, vision, and ambition.

Think big. Do amazing things together! 

How to Support Los...

2025. Lets GO!

Ten Ideas to Help You Be Your Best in 2025

As we take our first steps into the new year, here are ten short coaching suggestions to help you clarify what matters and be your best in 2025.

Let's GO! 


Are You Ready for Your Next Big Opportunity? | BCedX

Are you ready for your next big opportunity? Opportunity sometimes appears in unlikely forms. Opportunity tends to knock when we least expect it. Be ready. Always ready!

Stop. Start. Continue. Accelerate! | BCedX

It's wise...

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