A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Fail fast. Learn quick!

To solve a complex problem or win a big victory, you may try many things that fall short of the target.

Test fast. Fail fast. Learn quick.

Dwelling on setbacks slows your progress.

Hit or miss - take your next shot.

It may be your best shot! 

Grit and Joy: How to Build a Team Culture | Angel City FC

Win or lose, a team's identity, shared commitments, and relationships drive performance. Here's how Angel City FC is building a team culture that prioritizes grit, joy, and competition.


Step by Giant Step - Keep Going!

The surest way I know to achieve big things is to plan and achieve small daily milestones.

The earliest seafaring explorers did not cross the North Atlantic in one uninterrupted passage. They advanced in shorter, more manageable steps that connected Europe to England, Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, and Nova Scotia.

You can’t summit a mountain in one leap.

Take a giant first step and keep going!

Supercommunication: The secret to better conversations | BBC

A rich, deep conversation can be...

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