A short read for leaders. Curated by Brian Cooke and published biweekly on Fridays. Free.
Think and Lead Like a CEO

Is the work you are doing creating value in your business?

Here are six business fundamentals every employee in a growing, profitable business ought to know. One CEO of a small business I coach taught these principles to his workforce and achieved a 10% ($3M+) increase in employee-led income!


A business will succeed when it solves significant client problems, meets or exceeds client expectations, and anticipates clients’ future needs. What problem is your business...

Career - Time to Move On?

How do you know when it’s time to move on to a new role or different company?

That’s one of the most important questions leaders I coach ask.

Here are ten signs it may be time!

  • It is becoming harder to get up and go to work every day with positive energy
  • You are doing the same work today that you were doing twelve months ago
  • You are spending too much time fixing today's problems and too little time designing tomorrow’s solutions
  • Your family and friends are concerned about...
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